
Mastering Connect-4 game with self-play, Monte Carlo Tree Search and deep reinforcement learning based on Alpha Zero General.

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Mastering Connect-4 game with Alpha Zero General

This project is based on alpha-zero-general

For my studies I have tried the alpha-zero-general with connect-4 game. The purpose was to see if the trained models would draw after training. The code in this project has a skeleton of the original alpha-zero-general.

The game Connect-4 seems not to be than complex, there are a many web sites claiming how easy it is to win in this game. They guarantee a victory in the game if you apply some techniques. Search on the internet “how to win connect 4 easily”, and you will be impressed how easy it is to win. But it is incorrect. According to science article Infinite Connect-Four Is Solved: Draw it is proved that if both players are experts the outcome of the play would be draws.

For classic Connect Four played on 6 high, 7 wide grid, there are 4,531,985,219,092 positions for all game boards populated with 0 to 42 pieces

A deep neural network traning process learn how to improve its model. The winner model will be challenge by a new model. If the new model is taken to be better than the previous, then the new model will lead for next game. This routine will go on until we have two models who are invincible. The two models plays against each other, called self-play, expecting that all the games will result with draws

A second indication that our models are improved by the time of iterations, is meseaured by validation loss and policy loss. If the loss (error) is improved by each iteration then Neural Network is learning properly without overfitting.

I have added printout inorder to calculate results of trained models validation errors and investigate improvements in self-play games.

Self-play in connect-4

Self-play in connect-4. By the time win less


If you are interested in running this project with other parameters then modify


I trained a PyTorch model for Connect-4 (~100 iterations, 50 episodes per iteration and 15 MCTS simulations per turn). This took about 12 hours.

Description of relevant algorithm can be found 1. Hyper-Parameter Sweep on AlphaZero General. 2. Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search. 3. Learning to Play Othello Without Human Knowledge.